I turn on the news and all I hear is immigration, mass deportations, and unjust incarceration.
People of color coming from their homeland cause of all the exploitation done by this nation!
Cartels and DEA fraternal twins pushing the flow of narcotics. But this ain't nothing new. The CIA has been part of their crew, granting immunity to Mexico's Felix-Gallardo cuz of his funding to contras in Nicaragua. Political cronies well payed as long as monopolizing the drug market was given the Okay.
1980's to be exact, Also when Reagan's administration was pulling loads of gold, all that revenue coming from lab invented crack, used to destroy families living in poor communities. Read between the lines and u'll realize that the real drug kingpins are congressionally tied. Yet they criminalize latinos saying we a danger to this economic crisis. It's all blatant lies that the 1% telling the 99 cuz they trying to divide so the people won't rise!
Fuck them! They've left my homeland in two, making policies that leave land-working people with no alternatives but to harvest opium, coca, and kush cuz NAFTA, devaluing mexican goods!
Fathers, mothers, and children leaving families back home in coming to the unknown, decades come and go but I still see the sadness in my parents eyes that they missed out on precious family time.
Threats of calling ICE and the loss of jobs if the spark of a union comes to life, but we aint backin' down from this fight cuz our journey here was no walk on paradise we gonna strive until we gain these so called equal rights only given to whites!
Neo-colonialism leaving MesoAmerica soaked in blood; United States imperialism Militarizing our countries, distracting peoples need of unification to combat exploitation. Our focus is trying to see tomorrow's break of light. Gun shots all you hear day and night. Cuz the war on drugs like capitalism need genocide in order for it to survive.
So don't blame us for stepping into stolen land. We just avoiding the dangers that the ruling class caused on our homeland.
Right-wing politicians promising to extinguish cartels, capturing top heads but unlike chess fallen kings are replaced preventing the end of the game.
Throwback to Mexico's 68 and the same shit we see happening today occurred yesterday!
Cartels and government agencies terrorizing my people making 43 youth disappear but its cool we'll act clueless and say they were deep in the drug trade.
If resistance escalates we'll offer parents a few grand to compensate for their children's demise. Those fools. Can't they see, we the people hold on to our virtues!
One last line:
Get this through your mind: You can NEVER silence TRUTH!
FJ writes about his experiences growing up in working- class neighborhoods of Chicago. He's currently pursuing a teaching degree at UIC and organizes with groups such as We Charge Genocide.