Dumpster Pizza Party is a new podcast by artist Craig E. Ross. Ross interviewed Red Wedge's Alexander Billet and Adam Turl for his second episode.
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Welcome to Dumpster Pizza Party: a podcast about art and DIY counter-culture with your host Craig E. Ross...
My guests today are two of the editors of Red Wedge Magazine, Alex Billet and Adam Turl. Listen as we discuss the upcoming changes to Red Wedge Magazine as well as art, politics, Marxism, and the popular avant-garde. This show was recorded while getting a delicious brunch at Milque Toast Bar in St. Louis, Missouri. I’ll never be able to afford a house now after the delectable avocado toast I ate during the recording of this podcast.
Alexander Billet is a writer, poet and cultural critic. His articles have appeared in Jacobin, The Nation, Z Magazine, In These Times, PopMatters.com, New Politics, International Socialist Review, Electronic Intifada and Marx & Philosophy Review of Books. He is an alumnus of Syracuse University's School of Visual and Performing Arts and has been involved in several anti-racist, anti-war and labor solidarity campaigns. Areas of interest include music, literature, theater, the influence of Surrealism and related movements, and dys/utopia. He is a founding editor at Red Wedge and blogs at Dys/Utopian.
Adam Turl is an artist, writer and socialist currently living in St. Louis, Missouri. He is an editor at Red Wedge. Turl's most recent exhibitions include 13 Baristas at the Brett Wesley Gallery in Las Vegas, Nevada (2015) and Kick the Cat at Project 1612 in Peoria, Illinois (2015). He was awarded a residency at the Cité internationale des Arts in Paris, France in 2016. His next major project, The Barista Who Could See the Future, will be part of a group show with Lizzy Martinez and Stan Chisholm at Gallery 210 in St. Louis, Missouri in the fall of 2017. He is also an art critic for the West End Word and co-organizer of the Dollar Art House. To learn more visit his website evictedart.com.
Red Wedge No. 3 will be released in mid-July.
Cover art by Howard Barry.
Subscribe to the podcast on Soundcloud or iTunes and rate the podcast. Follow on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and Instagram @dumpsterpizzapress. Music for the podcast provided with permission by St. Guillotine & The Red Mass. Follow them on Soundcloud @stguillotine and tumblr stguillotineandtheredmass.tumblr.com. Support the podcast and my other artistic endeavors by donating to my Patreon.
Presentation of Vladimir Tatlin's Letatlin in Moscow.
Red Wedge is going quarterly with our next issue. But we need your help to do it. Read more about it, and donate through Patreon.
Craig E. Ross, an editor at Red Wedge, is a printmaker and cartoonist currently living in St. Louis who works mainly in woodblock prints. They received a BFA in Printmaking from Southern Illinois University in Carbondale. Craig has self-published various comics and zines such as MEDITATIONS: A Vision In Woodcuts and the acclaimed STEAL AWAY: The Visions of Nat Turner. Craig also runs the "Red Wedge Comix" blog at Red Wedge, is a co-organizer of the Dollar Art House and host of Dumpster Pizza Party Podcast.